Luckily (or not), we are not alone. One Reddit user started a thread asking people online to share their fitness hacks that they have personally discovered that are absolutely game changers. So, folks, if you struggle to start working out or actually enjoy it - scroll on through to find out more, complete with an interview with Joey Thurman, fitness/nutrition expert and Gina Harney, women’s fitness specialist who shared even more useful tips!
More info: Reddit
Ghostseverywhere , William Choquette Report
SammyGeorge , Annushka Ahuja Report
SaltyAd9996 , Andrea Piacquadio Report
“Here’s the game plan: Sneak in a quick 10-minute arm blast between those never-ending phone calls in your home office,” he emphasized. “Think of it as a secret mission to save the world, one bicep curl at a time. Then, during lunch, drop a 5-minute squat challenge like it’s hot. Aim for sets of 20-30, and pretend you’re dodging laser beams or squashing tiny monsters under your feet. Fun, right?”
MontEcola , David Iglesias Report
once_upon_a_handj*b Report
“So, there you have it.” Joey emphasized that exercise doesn’t have to be a chore or a bore - break it up, make it fun, and before you know it, you’ve nailed your fitness goals without even realizing it. “Time to turn your day into an action-packed adventure, one mini-workout at a time.”
WaitWhyNot , Andrea Piacquadio Report
Jlmorgan86 , Andres Ayrton Report
Moreover, he emphasized that muscle soreness is NOT the VIP badge of a good workout. “Can I say that louder for the people in the back? Just because you’re not walking around like a penguin after leg day doesn’t mean you haven’t done your body a solid.”
jimcol , Allan Mas Report
xzsazsa , Jenna Hamra Report
Joey summarized saying that your fitness journey doesn’t have to be a blockbuster action movie with high stakes and dramatic outcomes. “Think of it more like a delightful sitcom—some ups, some downs, but always moving forward, one chuckle (or step) at a time.”
“Aim for progress, not perfection, and remember, a little movement goes a long way towards your goals.”
Sorry-Escape3904 Report
GathersRock , SHVETS production Report
Firstly, he pointed out that it’s important to shift that mindset. “Viewing exercise as a chore is like thinking of chocolate as just another vegetable. It’s not something you ‘have to do’; it’s a privilege, a celebration of what your body can do! Exercise is like being given the keys to a sports car every day—why wouldn’t you take it for a joyride?”
“Inside Out Fitness: Remember, the main event is happening on the inside.” He then explained that we’re talking heart health, brain boosts, and stress busts. “The physical changes? Those are just the encore, the cherry on top of a well-being sundae.”
Javichuchuchu , Tima Miroshnichenko Report
BenjaminTW1 , Pixabay Report
He finished by saying that we should start thinking of exercise as the ultimate form of self-care, a daily holiday, or a personal party you’re always invited to. “It’s not about what you ‘have to do’—it’s about embracing the joy and the journey of what you ‘GET to do’!”
Cipskye , MART PRODUCTION Report
DanielDannyc12 , Andrea Piacquadio Report
Also, visit his Instagram, Facebook, TikTok and YouTube pages, where you can find plenty of motivations, exercises and lots of useful information for your fitness journey!
TheNerdChaplain , Report
neurobonkers , Riki Risnandar Report
“I think that it’s important to remember that consistency isn’t about intensity,” she shared. “All movement counts, and a little bit of movement every day is much better than skipping your workout for days at a time because you’re too sore, or you feel like it needs to be long or intense to count.”
Gina added that she tries to add in little bits of movement where she can, whether it’s gardening, walking her dog, walking on the walking pad during long calls, or dance parties with the kids!
UnderstandingLoud317 , Yaroslav Shuraev Report
Doc-in-a-box , Julia Larson Report
“I also think it’s common to think that a workout will outdo your lifestyle, when in reality, the 23 hours each day that you’re not at the gym are even more important than your workout,” she pointed out. “How are you spending your time? How’s sleep? Stress? Overall movement? Nutrition? All of these things make a significant impact when it comes to achieving health or wellness goals.”
lthth , Annushka Ahuja Report
literarylagers , Element5 Digital Report
She shared that it’s so much easier to be consistent when you actually enjoy what you are doing! “It’s also easy to do too much too quickly. Ask yourself if your current routine is something you’d want to maintain forever. If the answer is no, it might be a good time to scale back or find something that you look forward to each day.”
sugar182 , Ylanite Koppens Report
Over-Bid-8083 , Andres Ayrton Report
And coming back to exercise hacks - upvote your favorites and share in the comments your working out game changers! Don’t forget - it’s never too late to start working out!
Ilosesoothersmaywin , Victor Freitas Report
originalchaosinabox , Mike Jones Report
AnElkaWolfandaFox , Nathan Cowley Report
James12052 , hi room Report
Single_Wasabi_3683 , Anthony Leong Report
Shadow948 Report
redditaccount1_2 , Andrea Piacquadio Report
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