Still, hiding something is usually no easy burden, and thus, the idea of anonymously sharing it becomes very tempting. That’s why when someone online asked people about these secrets, netizens didn’t hesitate to fill the thread with answers, all while remaining calmly hidden behind their Reddit usernames. Scroll down to see what they said!
More info: Reddit
KnifeFightAcademy , Kurman Communications LLC Report
JazzyAndy , Pixabay Report
sappy_xu , Vika Glitter Report
As it turns out, keeping something like that hidden away from the world might actually do damage to us. As Roberta Dode of Unveiled Facts shared, doing this can damage relationships with friends, family, and partners, as it limits our communication and can lead to suspicion as well as hostility, which, in the end, can breed even more secrecy.
Secrets in families play an even bigger role, as keeping something from children can make them feel left out, leading to them forming similar behavioral patterns. They might even end up having a distorted perception of reality due to not learning certain things that are hidden from them, whether because of trying to shield the kids or keeping things from the parents themselves.
GiskardRayke , Karolina Grabowska Report
Aromatic_Hornet9982 , RDNE Stock project Report
CalendarAggressive11 , Anna-Louise Report
As the person’s mind keeps wandering to the secret they’re keeping over and over again, with no emotional support or advice, it can take a real toll on one’s mental health. Eventually, this can create a lot of anxiety, stress, and the feeling of being burdened, leading to a worsened quality of life and other serious problems that can show their face in the long term.
Character_Car_1113 , Inzmam Khan Report
ieatassonthelow , Cristiano Ronaldo emoji:Cristiano_Ronaldo: Report
Dreamcatcherv2 , Jimmy Chan Report
A recent study done by researchers at Columbia University revealed that keeping good news to yourself can actually energize you and make you feel more alive. It turns out that keeping these types of secrets can boost a person’s energy levels, and even the intention of eventually spilling the beans gets a nice positive spin, especially if it’s planned in the form of a surprise.
Preposterous_punk , Pavel Danilyuk Report
kipmix , thapanee srisawat Report
In addition to that, it’s not as usual to hide something that we’re happy about, as we tend to share it as soon as we can. Compared to the negative things, when someone chooses to keep something positive a secret, they almost always make a choice to do it, going for their own enjoyment as opposed to being forced to by internal or external factors.
lockforce , cottonbro studio Report
TheBralessBaker , Brigitte Tohm Report
Imajica0921 , cottonbro studio Report
What did you think about these secrets? Do you have any secrets you’re taking to the grave that you wouldn’t mind sharing anonymously? Type away in the comments below!
HolyVeggie , Andrea Piacquadio Report
Stormblessed331 , cottonbro studio Report
CheapGriffy , Aliaksei Semirski Report
xIPxMz , Pixabay Report
Ydok_The_Strategist , Anastase Maragos Report
Fine-Loquat , Alexander Andrews Report
makesanitypopular , Skyler Sion Report
Dizzy-Speaker-5763 , Japheth Mast Report
PckMan , Budgeron Bach Report
Natural_Bike8736 , Trần Long Report
Kriskao , cottonbro studio Report
SqouzeTheSqueeze , Kindel Media Report
duchessisdying , Valentine Angel Fernandez Report
ruskie1270 , Anna Shvets Report
goddess_of_fear , Pixabay Report
FuzzyThr0wAway , cottonbro studio Report
UsefulIdiot85 , Porapak Apichodilok Report
AkiliosTheWolf , Louis-Charles Blais Report
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