Britain has brought us lots of things. Shakespeare. Fish and chips. Afternoon tea. Cucumber sandwiches. And of course, the Queen’s English. But there’s something else the British are super proud of: their sick sense of humor. British humor isn’t everyone’s cuppa tea. Still, there’s no denying the Brits have produced some absolute bangers from across the pond. Mr Bean, Mrs Bucket, Monty Python, Fawlty Towers, Ali G, and The Office. To name but a few. A Facebook page called “There should be a 99p coin” has over a million followers. They’re dedicated to bringing us the best Britain has to offer. Keep scrolling for a list of our favorite funnies that might make even the stiffest upper lip crack a smile. Understanding British humor is “like trying to spread cold butter on toast,” wrote the Times of India, “It’s a tricky endeavor that requires patience and, often, ends in unexpected messes”. When Carr assured Bieber he was just “taking the mickey”, the Canadian star was even more confused. “Mickey, what’s mickey?” But a few years later, Bieber got it. And the Belieber went viral for taking the mickey out of the British accent on this talk show. It turns out British sarcasm and passive aggressiveness are lost on many Americans. When asked what “with the greatest respect” meant, nearly half of Americans interpreted it as “I am listening to you”. While 68% of British people knew it to mean “you’re an idiot”. The study found that “American English L1 users perceived British humor as less funny and were less able to ‘get’ the ironic and sarcastic aspect of British humor than British English L1 users.” Basically, the Brits burst out laughing. The Americans were not amused. “A commenter named Brian D on Ben Yagoda’s blog, Not One-Off Britishisms, told the story of a group of British engineers from his company, sent to work at Wang Labs in Massachusetts. They were asked to attend a meeting to recognize an employee for outstanding achievement: It was announced from the stage that this person was a King in the company and so would be presented with the Wang King award. The entire British contingent had to leave the room in hysterics.” What boggles your mind the most about British humor? Have you ever been the butt of a British joke? Let us know all about it in the comments. Follow Bored Panda on Google News! Follow us on! Please use high-res photos without watermarks Ooops! Your image is too large, maximum file size is 8 MB.