It all started with us discovering a couple of subreddits (r/cursed_cats and r/cursedcats). After scrolling through their content, it became pretty obvious to us that these online communities have plenty of pictures that delightfully represent felines’ cheeky charm. From poses that seem to defy anatomy to peculiar-to-priceless expressions, here are some of the most popular posts from the subreddits without any context (because why would we need any). This, paired with an inherently playful personality, might add up to one curious and naughty feline. “Cats must always be aware of what is going on in their surroundings. They can’t afford to miss an opportunity to eat, but they must also be cautious of any dangers,” she says. Constant observation, investigation, and learning (curiosity!) are tools felines use for survival. For example, the inner ear of a cat is so amazing that it’s said they can sense a storm rolling in by the drop in air pressure! Their little noses have 40 times more olfactory receptors than ours, and their eyes have six to eight times the amount of rods than humans; in a world so vibrant and alive, it’s no wonder cats are naturally curious about it all. Some may argue that these situations signal poor judgment or a less-than-smart decision. However, it’s just the opposite. Curiosity and intelligence are directly linked, so since cats are so curious, they are always learning. “Kittens tend to be more curious because they are learning about things in their environment that they have never encountered before,” she explains. “To determine if something is safe, a kitten might want to watch it, slowly approach it, and maybe touch, smell, or taste it.” So this curiosity, imprinted from a young age, becomes a defining trait, shaping their inquisitive nature and unique “cursed” behaviors throughout their lives! Follow Bored Panda on Google News! Follow us on! Please use high-res photos without watermarks Ooops! Your image is too large, maximum file size is 8 MB.