cnewman11 , cottonbro studio / Pexels Report
We were curious to learn about what inspired them to start the discussion in the first place.
“I was watching the movie Brightburn one day when I realised how having a child can be a two way street sometimes, with it occasionally ending up in ashes and others ending up beautifully where their parents get to see them grow as a person,” they told Bored Panda.
BlackCatAttack666 , Sarah Dietz / Pexels Report
“Try to explain to them that what they did was wrong and try to get the real life consequences of what they did across,” they said.
“Full disclaimer however, I am not a parent. I do not have much say in that matter besides just logical assumptions,” they added.
Quicily , Rovshan Nazirli / Pexels Report
“Be patient. If your child can be seen doing something that isn’t right, take your time to explain why and do so in a calm manner. The last thing you want is for your child to lose trust in you and do worse things behind your back,” they suggested.
PsychCentral explains that children develop more and more empathy over time. As newborns, they might start crying when other babies in the vicinity cry. Though this is most likely a response to an uncomfortably loud noise, it’s the starting point of minimal self-awareness and putting oneself in another person’s shoes.
By the age of two, toddlers might try to connect another person’s discomfort with their own. For instance, they might give their parents a toy or some food if they see them crying. However, it’s still unclear if they understand what the adults are feeling or if they’re simply upset by how they’re behaving. By the age of four, though, kids start to associate their emotions with those of others. They might come over and comfort someone who’s in pain.
parkinglotguy , Ksenia Chernaya / Pexels Report
anon , Ksenia Chernaya / Pexels Report
Mischeese Report
On the flip side, being a healthy and functioning member of society requires understanding the local cultural norms and ‘getting’ social clues. If you plan on making friends and holding down a job, you need to understand what (not) to say.
anon , cottonbro studio / Pexels Report
BoredBSEE , freestocks / Unsplash Report
anon , Pavel Danilyuk / Pexels Report
In the meantime, let’s not pretend that every thought or feeling we have is stellar. Much of it is fluff and randomness. If someone were to act on everything that came into their mind, they’d probably make their family and friends worried and call the local hospital in the span of minutes.
Not every thought or feeling has to be acknowledged. We need self-awareness and good internal filters to find the signal among the noise.
psnugbootybug Report
Sterling_Johnson , Pixabay / Pexels Report
Spirit50Lake , William Fortunato / Pexels Report
What’s important here is the willingness to communicate. Parents who take the time to listen and then explain to their munchkins why we don’t do one thing or another show that they’re willing to talk about everything. Even if it’s uncomfortable.
They’re open to hearing their kids’ thoughts, too. This is far healthier than ignoring the situation entirely or telling your children to stop doing/saying strange things without going into detail about why it makes others feel bad.
SunnyTheToad , Tatiana Syrikova / Pexels Report
theTrebleClef Report
Espelancer , Alicia / Pexels Report
If you’re feeling up to it, share your thoughts in the comments.
OviliskTwo , Ahmed akacha / Pexels Report
Rosa_gallica , Ketut Subiyanto / Pexels Report
MamaSweeney24 , MUGESH DSRAJ / Pexels Report
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zerbey , Alexander Grey / Pexels Report
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Kthulhu42 , Vika Glitter / Pexels Report
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