The Instagram account ‘Mooody Bored’ is all about sharing the most hilarious pictures of animals caught in awkward or unusual moments. Think of it like relatable memes, without any captions, but still making perfect sense to our daily lives. The fact that we can relate to them makes it even funnier. Take a look at the photos we’ve selected for you. We hope that with a little help from our animal friends, we can brighten up your day, no matter how gloomy it’s been so far. We wanted to find out more about the kitty who’s going viral thanks to her unique facial features that give her a “grumpy” look. The owner shared with us how she first noticed her cat had this look: “I first noticed Angry Kitzia’s distinctive facial expression when she was a kitten. It seemed to develop as she grew, becoming more pronounced over time.” Follow Bored Panda on Google News! Follow us on! Please use high-res photos without watermarks Ooops! Your image is too large, maximum file size is 8 MB.