However, there are plenty of potential detractors that can make even an enjoyable job a living hell, such as a lack of recognition, a messed up work-life balance, and, of course, toxic colleagues. So, in an attempt to remind you just how important the people around us are, we at Bored Panda have put together a collection of annoying employees who do nothing but test everyone’s patience. Psychologist Daniel Goleman, author of the bestselling book ‘Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ,’ says that handling these colleagues has less to do with how you treat them and more to do with how you prepare yourself. The most important things, Goleman points out, are self-awareness and self-management. “This leads you to recognize what is going on.” By identifying what exactly triggers us, we can better anticipate them and regulate ourselves. “Okay, I’m going to spend two hours with this person who I know triggers me. It’s just this person, it’s not me. And I don’t have to react,” he gives an example. You can also “prepare your physiology” with various practices, such as box breathing. “This actually shifts your physiology from sympathetic nervous system arousal, which is the stress and anxiety mode, to parasympathetic, which is the relax and recover mode,” he says. “You can’t control what in life is going to trigger you,” Goleman says. “But you can control how long you stay triggered and how long you are upset.” But it doesn’t end there. Bothersome colleagues appear no matter if you’re working in-person or remotely. Written communication, such as emails and Slack messages, is a significant source of annoyance for 44% of employees. Furthermore, annoying coworkers can also ruin phone calls (37%) and video calls (29%). For more, check out our previous publications 50 People Share Just How Annoying Their Coworkers Really Are and 50 People Having A Miserable Day Thanks To Their Evil Coworkers. Follow Bored Panda on Google News! Follow us on! Please use high-res photos without watermarks Ooops! Your image is too large, maximum file size is 8 MB.