Someone asked “What’s something sneaky you do that you feel no guilt for?” and netizens shared their best, potentially unethical strategies. We also got in touch with MinkSableSeven to learn more. So get comfortable, take some notes, upvote your favorites and if you feel so inclined, share your own experience and examples in the comments section below.
nimlith90 , Pixabay (not the actual photo) Report
MakeMeMooo , Greg Rosenke (not the actual photo) Report
Lychanthropejumprope , Maynard Rose (not the actual photo) Report
“As writers know, people love to talk about themselves and if you give them an opportunity, they’ll share things you never expected. I’ve always had a curiosity about my neighbors and the common person.”
Important_Map_7266 , Stock Catalog (not the actual photo) Report
ashestobe , Christina Morillo (not the actual photo) Report
Pure-Drawer-2617 , Thirdman (not the actual photo) Report
efxmatt , Kindel Media (not the actual photo) Report
themustacheclubbitch , Robert So (not the actual photo) Report
4gnieshk4 , Karolina Grabowska (not the actual photo) Report
g_em_ini , Erik Mclean (not the actual photo) Report
Coopschmoozer , Karolina Grabowska (not the actual photo) Report
superkow , Mike Mozart (not the actual photo) Report
BewareofStobor , Cesan Escuadro (not the actual photo) Report
themagicmystic , Lukas (not the actual photo) Report
Bammalam102 , Meruyert Gonullu (not the actual photo) Report
Indeed, these days, lawmakers and lobbyists will generally find ways to simply revoke laws punishing victimless crimes. For example, in the past, an able-bodied person begging could be punished by death in the UK. While it is perhaps good that people actually work, this is a pretty extreme punishment for something that doesn’t really bother the vast majority of society.
JessSherman , Valeria Boltneva (not the actual photo) Report
Prior_Attention5261 , Boca Dorada (not the actual photo) Report
BigBobFro , Soumia Photography (not the actual photo) Report
supervibrant1990 , Tima Miroshnichenko (not the actual photo) Report
Ambitious_Concept515 , Anna Shvets (not the actual photo) Report
bobbumfluff Report
no_step_snek76 , MART PRODUCTION (not the actual photo) Report
abelabelabel Report
VeroVexy Report
LogStanimalXXL , cottonbro studio (not the actual photo) Report
SchnauzerFaceMinis , ironypoisoning (not the actual photo) Report
SamaireB Report
Diligent_Charity8703 Report
buttercup9ss Report
Ijuststoleyourfries Report
zippy_bag Report
Granny_knows_best Report
Xyfirus Report
tattedupgirl Report
wildgoldchai , RDNE Stock project (not the actual photo) Report
shayka2116 Report
SabbathaBastet , Mike Kalasnik (not the actual photo) Report
Old-Fun9568 Report
MinkSableSeven , Amelia Klaassen (not the actual photo) Report
turtleheading911 , U.S. Department of Agriculture (not the actual photo) Report
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