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A woman was in for a rude shock when she called off work because of a stomach bug just for her boss to show up at her bedside
Share icon Image credits: @mishyymbabyy
He thought that she didn’t want to drive in and he offered to drive her so she could still work
Share icon Image credits: Andrea Piacquadio (not the actual photo)
“I was working at a restaurant and I lived about 15 minutes away from the restaurant in the middle of nowhere”
“I was living with a roommate in a house and his bedroom was on the first floor and my bedroom was upstairs on the second floor. One morning I woke up and I was feeling like complete s**t. I had a stomach bug and I decided to call out of work that day.” “Obviously, I shouldn’t be working in a restaurant with a stomach bug. I called up my boss, I talked to him in person. He says, okay, whatever, that’s fine. I told my roommate that I’m really sick and I’m gonna go back to bed and go to sleep. In the mornings, my roommate really liked to smoke, play the guitar and sing. So with me being sick trying to sleep upstairs, he decided he would go outside out in the back of my house and kind of sit in the grass and do that.” “Guess he left the door unlocked thinking like, he’s right there, he’s not going anywhere. But my boss pulled in the driveway. And he claimed he didn’t hear anybody pull in. My boss claims that he knocked on the door, nobody answered. So he just felt that the doorknob was unlocked and kind of pushed the door open and came in. He claims he said my name a few times walked around, didn’t see me or hear me so he went upstairs.” Share icon Image credits: Andrea Piacquadio (not the actual photo)
“That’s when I woke up and he’s standing at the foot of my bed kind of waving at me”
“Like ‘hey, hey, I know that you called out but maybe you just don’t want to drive and I’ll drive you in and then you could still work.’ At that point, I woke up. I literally thought I was having a fever dream. I finally came to him, like why are you doing like, this is not okay, you need to get out of my room. I’m not coming into work. This is crazy. He did end up leaving. My roommate said that he saw him on his way out, kind of waved to him, but didn’t think much of it and thought maybe I invited him over. Which I did not.” “He ended up laying me off a few weeks later because I broke up with my ex boyfriend and he went really crazy and was harassing me and calling the restaurant, which obviously isn’t okay. The day that he actually ended up laying me off, my ex egged the building, because he thought it would be funny that I’d have to come into work and clean it. But that same exact day, my boss laid me off because he thought I egged the building, even though I was like, why would I egg the building that I’m going to have to go out in the hot sun and scrub? It just doesn’t make sense.”
Check out the full video here
The woman in this video is a TikToker going by the username @mishyymbabyy. One of her more popular recent posts, which garnered over 190,000 views, more than 15.1K likes and 335 comments is the video of our story. There, Mish shared her shock when her manager entered her residence and woke her up suggesting she come into work. People in the comments under the video were equally shocked, with many suggesting that she sue or call the cops. Mish mentioned in the comments that she didn’t, but she wishes she had, even though she doesn’t think they would have been able to do much. Even if you clear your schedule and get approval for a long weekend, your boss might still try to contact you. The key to handling this, according to Oliver, author of Bad Bosses, Crazy Coworkers & Other Office Idiots, is to establish clear boundaries upfront. Mish had done everything right by the book, calling in beforehand and getting approval from him before taking the day off, but that didn’t quite seem to stop him from showing up in her house. Share icon Image credits: mishyymbabyy As Sherri Gordon of Verywell Mind wrote, some bosses are extremely demanding and they make unreasonable requests. “For example, they might require employees to spend countless hours on a frivolous task at the expense of family time. They might demand that employees sacrifice weekends and vacation time to show their commitment to the company. They may even guilt employees into attending a happy hour every night at risk of being shunned by the company.” The relentless nature of these demands can be crushing. Employees facing them often reach a breaking point, feeling overwhelmed and exhausted. The constant pressure, coupled with the uncertainty of what comes next, creates a breeding ground for burnout. Prioritize your well-being. An employer who infringes on your personal life creates an unsustainable situation. The stress of constant, unpredictable demands can lead to serious health problems. Don’t let an unreasonable boss take control of your health and happiness. What did you think about this story? Was there an overreaction on Mish’s part and do you think her getting laid off was a mere coincidence? Share your thoughts in the comments below!
People online were furious at the employee’s boss
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