For example, one woman like that was so sure that the moon momentarily covering the sun meant the Rapture was here that she started dishing out massive tips to her servers, pitying them, as according to her, they were sinners who wouldn’t get ascended. However, when the next day, nothing changed, she came back demanding to be refunded. Scroll down to read the full story! More info: Reddit
A total solar eclipse sure is an interesting thing to witness, but fortunately, it’s not the end of the world as some people choose to believe
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A woman was working as a waitress at a restaurant when another woman left her a $300 tip, believing that the coming solar eclipse was a sign of the Rapture
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The same woman came back the next day, this time bringing her partner with her, and left a $777 tip for another server
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Image credits: writtenonapaige22 Share icon Image credits: Pixabay (not the actual photo)
When the Rapture didn’t happen, the woman barged back into the restaurant, demanding a refund and lying that her tips were somehow fraudulent
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By that time, the workers had already gotten their salaries and paid their taxes for them, so they couldn’t return the money
As most are probably aware, the most recent solar eclipse happened on April 8th, just a few days ago. But this story, while connected, started a little bit earlier. Roughly four days before the event, a woman visited the taco restaurant in Florida that the OP worked at and, after getting a $40 bill, tipped $300, leaving a note, “in case you don’t rise on the 8th.” The next day, the woman came back with a guy who was most likely her partner. This time, another waiter served them, but despite knowing about her behavior, the guy chose not to give her any special treatment. The woman kept asking if the server was Christian, and when he said he wasn’t, she started talking about how it would be so awful for the sinners who would be left on Earth after the 8th. However, he didn’t engage in discussion too much and served them as regular clients. On her way out, the woman left a massive tip of $777. The guy was hesitant to take the tip, so he got the manager, who asked the woman if she was sure of what she was doing. She verbally confirmed and left. On April 9th, a day after the solar eclipse, the very same woman stormed back in and demanded a refund. When she was refused, she started throwing impossible fraud accusations, but the salaries and the taxes that come with them were already paid on the 5th, so there was nothing anyone could do about it. The commenters at the end of this whole story were very amused by these events but weren’t too surprised by the outcome. They commended the OP for standing her ground and for keeping them updated about the events while also berating the other woman for being a good Christian only when it suited her. Share icon Image credits: Chris Potter (not the actual photo) A story like this is definitely not the first one of its kind, and it will probably not be the last one, either. Witnessing a solar eclipse is not a usual thing, but with all the science out there to explain it, it’s easy to start wondering why people still take it as a sign of something bigger. Well, as wrote, many believers connect this event to the end of times due to how that process is described in some of the biblical passages, specifically Matthew 24:29. According to it, one of the signs of the Rapture is the sun being darkened and the moon no longer giving its light, which does sound a lot like a solar eclipse. However, it seems that a lot of these people fixate on this one specific detail and forget that the very same passage also describes stars falling from the sky and the planets shaking. In addition, all this is supposed to come immediately after great distress, the like of which the world has never seen before, so even if you do believe in it, it is quite evident that a regular solar eclipse is just not it. In addition, Daisy Dobrijevic of explained that this occurrence was not so unusual after all. Solar eclipses only happen during the new moon phase, but that is still enough for them to usually be visible between 2 and 5 times a year. You just have to be in the right place at the right time. Moreover, there are a few different types of solar eclipses:
Total solar eclipse: The sun is fully blocked by the moon, like the one on April 8th.Partial solar eclipse: The moon only obscures a part of the sun, with the other part remaining visible.Annular solar eclipse: The moon appears to be at the center of the sun but doesn’t block it completely.Hybrid solar eclipse: The rarest type, which is a combination of total and annular solar eclipses, moving from one to the other.
So, ultimately, the eclipse of the sun is a pretty regular yet nonetheless fascinating spectacle to feast your eyes on that doesn’t mark any kind of end of the world. However, if you do indeed believe that the Rapture will come and want to up your chances by dashing out massive tips to servers, at least be decent enough to not go back demanding refunds afterward. What did you think of this story? Have you ever dealt with anyone similar? Tell us all about it in the comments below!
The commenters were very amused by this pretend Christian who was only so positive and generous when it suited her
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